Skilled electrical technicians are needed to keep this equipment in good running condition . 这个装备需要熟练的电气技师来保持它于良好的操作状态中。
He is an electrical technician by profession 他的职业是电工技师。
The connection of electrical equipments and wires is required to be operated by qualified electrical technicians . reliable grounding must be given careful consideration 电器电线连接要求由合格电器技术人员操作。必须考虑可靠的接地。
Chemical process equipment degree preferable or electrical technician / engineering degree ( 3 years university minimum ) , plus , 3 years experience in chemical plant 大专以上学历,在化工厂有三年以上相关工作经验,化学工艺设备或电气工程专业优先。
A casual electrical technician was sentenced to 140 hours of community service for using false documents to defraud a health products firm of a renovation contract 一名临时电器技工,使用虚假文件,骗取一间健康产品公司的装修合约,被判须履行一百四十小时的社会服务。
Work together with the electrical technicians during testing on power up and actuates switches and controls in prescribed sequence to determine if it meets performance specifications 同电气技术人员一同合作,测试通电及在规定程序下驱动开关和控制器以决定是否符合设备规范说明。
Air - conditioning , electricity for city hall fixtures and equipment only , the use of furniture as provided , stage and electricial equipment as installed , basic ushering service for functions with audience only , service from electrical technicians as necessary and the use of dressing room 附设家?舞台设备及附设的电器基本的带位服务只为有观众入场的活动提供
Air - conditioning , electricity ( for city hall fixtures and equipment only ) , the use of furniture as provided , stage and electricial equipment as installed , basic ushering service for functions with audience only , service from electrical technicians as necessary and the use of dressing room 、附设家? 、舞台设备及附设的电器、基本的带位服务(只为有观众入场的活动提供
Unifies the well - known architect , the designer , the space plans the teacher , the gardening expert , the structure technician , the mechanical and electrical technician and equipment consultant plans the design together , discusses by the crowded conference profits by opinions from various sources , causes to construct modelling of , the structure , spatial , the ? material , the equipment system , the estate management , the automated system the thing , ? even any detail processing can the acme of perfection 结合知名建筑师、设计师、空间规划师、园艺专家、结构技师、机电技师与设备顾问共同规划设计,以密集会议讨论集思广益,使建物之造型、结构、空间、材料、设备系统、物业管理与自动化系统,追求每一个细节处理均能尽善尽美。