
electrical technician中文是什么意思

  • 电气技术员;电力工程技术员



  • 例句与用法
  • Skilled electrical technicians are needed to keep this equipment in good running condition .
  • He is an electrical technician by profession
  • The connection of electrical equipments and wires is required to be operated by qualified electrical technicians . reliable grounding must be given careful consideration
  • Chemical process equipment degree preferable or electrical technician / engineering degree ( 3 years university minimum ) , plus , 3 years experience in chemical plant
  • A casual electrical technician was sentenced to 140 hours of community service for using false documents to defraud a health products firm of a renovation contract
  • Work together with the electrical technicians during testing on power up and actuates switches and controls in prescribed sequence to determine if it meets performance specifications
  • Air - conditioning , electricity for city hall fixtures and equipment only , the use of furniture as provided , stage and electricial equipment as installed , basic ushering service for functions with audience only , service from electrical technicians as necessary and the use of dressing room
  • Air - conditioning , electricity ( for city hall fixtures and equipment only ) , the use of furniture as provided , stage and electricial equipment as installed , basic ushering service for functions with audience only , service from electrical technicians as necessary and the use of dressing room
    、附设家? 、舞台设备及附设的电器、基本的带位服务(只为有观众入场的活动提供
  • Unifies the well - known architect , the designer , the space plans the teacher , the gardening expert , the structure technician , the mechanical and electrical technician and equipment consultant plans the design together , discusses by the crowded conference profits by opinions from various sources , causes to construct modelling of , the structure , spatial , the ? material , the equipment system , the estate management , the automated system the thing , ? even any detail processing can the acme of perfection
  • 推荐英语阅读
electrical technician的中文翻译,electrical technician是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译electrical technician,electrical technician的中文意思,electrical technician的中文electrical technician in Chineseelectrical technician的中文electrical technician怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
